Friday, July 1, 2011

Vacation Giveaways (postcards and pins)

it's school holiday! YAY!
oh right, I'm not a student anymore, but since it's my first time ever
not being employed nor in training or school
it's Vacation time for me :D

I will be on vacation with my friends.
I won't bring a hook or needle so there will be no update for days.

while I was supposed to prepare for the vacation, I accidentally designed some pins.

Yes it was the pictures inside frames from the last post.
I designed the pictures only for the photoshoot, but later order some pins using those pictures (there are 10 pics).

it was not planed and.... I will give some as Vacation giveaway!!!

in the other hand, I also made some postcards using my amigurumi photos.
There are 24 different pictures, and I will also give some as giveaway :D

so here's the rule (please read carefully):
1. the pins giveaway only open for participant with Indonesian address only, while the postcard giveaway are for everyone (why? because the international shipment is expensive and remember I'm unemployed right now)
2. all you need to do is leave a hello comment under this post, be creative cause I will choose the winner based on the comment, and might choose extra winner because of it :)
3. please do mention your current country address, or you could simply write Indonesia or international
4. there will be two winners for the pins giveaway (each will choose and get 3 pins) and two winner for the postcard giveaway (each will choose and get 5 postcards)
5. follow me... Nah.. no need to follow me if you don't want to.
6. leave a name or e-mail address so I can announce you as the winner :D
7. the giveaway will be end at July 9th, and will be announced at July 10th 2011, Indonesian time

"Hello Dessy!-Indonesia-zuperdzigh[at]yahoo[dot]com"

that's all!

both the pins and the postcards will be available (for sale) soon.. as soon as I got time to take and upload their picture.
not now, cause I have to pack my bag for the vacation.
bye bye, see you soon!

-dessy TAB-


  1. hai hai Des... sedang apah? ok enough chit chats... mau dooong pin nya yang pake pigura itu, ahaha. Ntar akyu kirimin pin Ghibli yang waktu itu dijanjikan deh... jadi ceritanya tukeran pin kita... heheu~

    (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam)

    -si Wiwin-

  2. halu dessy.. salam kenalan...

    sungguhan, dulu saya selalu ingin jadi animator.. (tp takdir menunjukkan jalanku malah ke dunia rajut).. sampai sekarangpun kadang masih suka ngayal kerja di ghibli.. ngga nyangka bakal ketemu satu yg beneran di indonesia, dan juga merajut lagi.

    amigurumimu menarik dan asyik.. akan selalu menanti yg baru lagi.. dan follow jg bukan krn terpaksa kok. :P

    maap, ngga pintar bahasa inggris nih..

  3. lovely lil things, so original! I've got a nice giveaway with 18 prizes too!

  4. ah, saya mah ikutan komen bukan cuma gr2 pengen giveawaynya..
    tp karena emang suka semua yg dipajang disini...
    tapi kalo dikasih pin sih gak nolak banget..
    *hiyaahahaha, muter-muter*

    yes, i do love this blog since the first time i 'nyasar' to this blog. ewww...
    and no need to follow, because i always check for the newest post eventhough i didn't leave any comment.
    *critanya silent reader dan secret admirer gituh*

    so inspiring blog!
    :-)arena emang suka semua yg dipajang disini...
    tapi kalo dikasih pin sih gak nolak banget..
    *hiyaahahaha, muter-muter*

    yes, i do love this blog since the first time i 'nyasar' to this blog. ewww...
    and no need to follow, because i always check for the newest post eventhough i didn't leave any comment.
    *critanya silent reader dan secret admirer gituh*

    so inspiring blog!

  5. Hi, I love amigurumis!

  6. disuatu pagi nan cerah,disebuah taman "Land of Craft" terlihat dari kejauhan warna-warni kinclong zpiderdzigh,,membuat printiland ingin menyapa..

    (melotot tarkagum..mulut terbuka lebar..memanggil dengan nada suara seperti seorang kawan lama tak bertemu) HEIIYYY zpiderdzigh!!!
    (melambaikan tangan) HalooW mba dessyy :D (nyengir, tangan kanan siap untuk berjabat tangan)

    zpiderdzigh: (kaget..bingung..) oh hai printiland (tersenyum..sembari mengingat siapa mereka)

    -perbincangan berlanjut, printiland mengharap postcard..juga pinnya-

  7. Aloha Dessy!
    mau ikutan pin and postcard giveawaysnya.
    Karna amiguruminya selalu bagus-bagus!!
    Kapan ya aye bisa bikin kayak gitu juga. Mungkin suatu saat saya akan dikasi berguru pada Dessy (sekalian kill time, ya nggak?)


    marissa. indonesian address.
