Sunday, July 10, 2011

And The Winner is (postcard/pin giveaway)

I'm back!

I haven't start playing with yarns, but I'm ready to announce the winner of the pin/ postcard giveaway.
thanks for the entry, and I really love it :D
please join my next giveaway which will be held as soon as I got a new job/project, so wish me luck :)

the winner for the pin giveaway are:
Ajeng and Mar
and the winner for the postcards are:
Printiland and Fanie

I will send you messages, so you can pick the pins and postcards :)
the rest pins and postcards will be available via this blog soon!

see you at the next post and giveaways :)


  1. uwah... makasih...

    kaget tadi ketika tiba2 dapet email..

    saya yang belum pernah menang giveaway jadi begitu gembiraaa... *terharu..

    nanti giveawaynya mau dipajang di POYENG ah.. :D

  2. Asiik menaaangg ;p
    hihi..trimakasii mba dessy ^_^
    maaf yaaah salah email..hehe

    * semoga sukses yaa kerjaan barunyaa
    * peluk mba dessy

  3. yesss.....
    so very like it!
    sudah sampe jogja.....

  4. mba dessyy sudah sampai nii paketnya ^_^ suka banget postcardnya...itu lucu2 banget amiguruminyaaa, dibagi2 buat kita ber-4 :p ada yg dapaet 2 deh..trimakasii yaaa
