Friday, April 27, 2012

cerita zpiderdzigh di bulan ke 5 menuju tahun ke 5

first of all, I'm very sorry that I will write this post in Bahasa, cause I write this to win a package of yarns while also promoting the Festival Rajutan Indonesia or the Indonesian Knitting Festival at June 2012.

Saya memulai membuat amigurumi awalnya sebagai hobby, karena memang dari dulu suka dengan plushie (stuffed animals).

amigurumiku yang paling pertama

Semula saya hanya membuat amigurumi ala kadarnya (pengen boneka kelinci, ya bikin kelinci),   lama-lama jadi membuat amigurumi baru karena ingin bercerita.
bagi saya membuat amigurumi saat ini sudah seperti membuat ilustrasi tapi dengan media boneka.
Saya tidak memusingkan selera konsumen, berpikir untuk dijual pun tidak, yang penting ada yang melihat dan membaca cerita saya. Jadi kalau misal ada yang minta dibuatkan karya tapi ga sesuai minat saya, jujur saja malas banget.(sombong, ya)
Sudah tentu saya menikmati proses merajut, memotret hingga membagikan ceritanya di blog.

Nah dari kegiatan bercerita dengan menggunakan Amigurumi ini, kadang-kadang justru saya menerima cerita-cerita  dari pembaca blog.
yang paling berkesan adalah amigurumi kecoa. Aslinya itu cerita sedih bin miris ala anak kost.  Ngga punya teman, yang dilihat cuma kecoa. Kecoa sendiri binatang yang menjijikkan.

Saya juga sebenarnya cuma iseng bagi-bagi kecoa gratis, tapi ternyata tanggapannya jauh lebih menarik daripada ketika saya membagi boneka android gratis.
entah demi menang kuis, atau memang sungguh terinspirasi oleh kecoa, ternyata ada banyak sekali pengagum kecoa.
biarpun pembagian kecoa gratisnya sudah lewat hampir 5 bulan, sampai saat ini masih ada yang mengirim e-mail cerita kecoa.
ada cerita manis tentang anak perempuan yang pelihara kecoa dan mengadakan upacara pemakaman bagi kecoanya, ada juga ibu tangguh yang dipanggil kecoa karena tetap bertahan melawan kanker payudara meski sudah 4 kali operasi.

saya sendiri ngga menyangka, cerita kecoa bisa sangat menginspirasi.  Dan rasanya jauh lebih senang dan tidak tergantikan oleh uang.  Uang itu benar-benar hanya bonus ;) Makanya berkat si kecoa ini saya kembali menemukan semangat bercerita dengan amigurumi, dengan tema yang makin luas, makin gila, makin random hehe :p

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Keroro Gunsou

I rarely accept a custom order, especially the one based on well known character (like from manga, movie, etc).
but sometime I make an exception, like making a Keroro amigurumi, cause I love reading the manga too.

my colleague is a big fans of Keroro Gunsou, she asked me to make a Keroro doll weeks ago.
it actually only  took a day to make the Head and another day to make the body , and an extra one day to make the body correctly.
but... it finally take weeks cause it's very HOT in here.
I can't imagine how could a knitter possibly knit a sweater in Jakarta without Air Conditioner?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

OMGrumi : Pak Raden

In Indonesia, there are only a few TV programs for children.
I remember watching Si Komo and Si Unyil, two of the best local TV programs for children.
to be honest I'm more a fans of Si Komo than Si Unyil, I only watch Unyil's opening back then.
but what's make Unyil special is Pak Raden, the man behind Unyil and the gang.

I still remember watching one of Pak Raden's show when he was telling a story while he was also drawing.
I heard the same story many times,  but the one he's reading is still the best version.
What a great storyteller he is!

ever since that day, I always hope to become a great storyteller like him.
If I ever had a chance to take graduate programs, it would be about educational TV program for children because I want to be like Pak Raden who dedicates his life for Indonesian children.

I just found out last year that Pak Suyadi (the real person who plays the Pak Raden character) was also from ITB 's art faculty.  Both of us are animators, He's making puppet while me making yarn plushie.  Is that a coincidence, or am I unconsciously trying to follow his steps?

by the way while the real Pak Raden doll is a hand puppet, this Pak Raden amigurumi is a thumb puppet :p

Monday, April 16, 2012

We'll meet again, that's for sure!

I still remember last year when I decided to join Crafty Days at Tobucil.
to refresh your memory, please read this post.
I decided that it would be my first and only participation in a bazaar.
I remember my own statement in front of the Tobucil Crew "we'll meet again, 10 years later", and it was recorded.

I take back all my words.  Too many things happened in a year that I changed my mind.
It didn't take a year to change everything, cause the day after the Crafty Days, I lost my job.
not because I joined the crafty days but because the studio I worked at were closed.

it's true that I haven't got a courage to rent a stand for Zpiderdzigh, but this year it's different,
It's time to collaborate with amazing talents.
it's time for Gondangdia Afterwork project.
one stand for five of us.
One table for five kind of crafts.
And I still hope that there would be more friends joining, the more the merrier :D

So if you are happen to be in Bandung at May 5 and 6, please visit Tobucil Crafty Days at Jalan Aceh No. 56.
You'll see amazing wood creation from Khaf Wooden Toys, pretty and cute owl macrame necklace from Indecraft, pretty and colorful flower from Jertira Craft, fireflies chinese knot keychain from Rumah kreasiku, and amigurumis from zpiderdzigh, all in one table, all from Gondangdia :)
no no I won't put the pictures here... not yet :D

I'm so excited to prepare my amigurumis. And even I wonder how it would be, cause I'm in Jakarta and the amigurumis are in Bandung. it would be a big surprise :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Peribahasa: Ada Gula Ada Semut

okay, it's time for a new (photo) series.
it's called Peribahasa means proverb in bahasa Indonesia.
the first peribahasa is "Ada gula, ada semut" (There's sugar, so there are some ants)
means if there's anything interesting, there would be some crowd surrounding it in no time.

zoomed a lot of time, you'll see the ant trying to bring more than she could.

it's my second time making ant amigurumi.
here's the first one, the crocheted smilling ant
this time it's knitted and it's gray cause.... I hate black yarns :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

No Title

No description.
No stories behind, tho you might have guessed it ;)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

April Cat Pattern now available

April Cat amigurumi pattern is now available!!!
it's only 4USD, you'll get the diagram pattern, written pattern (in English) and illustrated instruction in PDF.
very easy, and perfect for beginners and of course cat lovers.

and do not forget, there will be an amigurumi class next Saturday (April 14th) at Plaza Semanggi's Learning Lounge.
please contact Citra (citraparameswari [at] yahoo [dot] com) for more info about registration and Entry fee
all participant will get this pattern for free :)

Happy Easter!!!

I knew it's April, April Fool's was coming, then Easter,
I could have prepare the  event related amigurumi before those days, instead, I was start making those amigurumi right at the D-Day.
I finished my poisson d'avril at April 2nd , it was jus a few minutes too late but it's not the first of April.
and now, today, it's Easter.
I had a long weekend, planning to make something related to Easter but I was making something else first.
Luckily, I had a 3 hours train ride to finished this amigurumi.

especially to my dearest mom :)

how come this chick become an Easter related amigurumi, you ask? 
I dunno either, I didn't think that much, I just don't want to make an egg amigurumi cause eating eggs give me acnes :p

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cockroach Pattern on PDF?

so you want a pattern, I mean you really really want it? Are you ready for all the consequences? Really? ARE YOU SURE?
prove it then I'll send you the pattern (written on PDF)  for only 2 USD
the step by step:
1. Send me e-mail
2. I'll send you a paypal invoice
3. Pay it with paypal, and notify me (e-mail me again)
4. I'll check the fund transfer then I'll send you the PDF to your mail

I think it will take about 1-3 days to get the steps done, considering the time zone differences.
complicated, that's why only the one who really want the cockroach pattern shall proceed.
when I wrote consequences,   one of the consequences is to accept it as it is (honestly it's unedited, and I got a poor pattern writing skill and funny Engrish)
as a reference of how I wrote the pattern, you could check my free patterns.

I would like to make this pattern available for free, but somehow I need to start collecting money so I can pay a web designer to build me a pattern shop which would be more practical to use :D

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Cat

 a conversation between me and a Cat.
 Me: Hi Cat, do you know what month it is?

Cat:  Hmm... Apple?
Me: (-_-!) close enough, do you mean April?
Cat: Oh right, I mean it's April

Me: Anyway, do you know what's going on this April? 
And can you please leave that apple alone?
Cat: Rrrrrr...April... I smell something fishy
Me: Poisson d'avril?  done that few days ago

Cat: no! see, there's something fishy!
Me: wow! good cat!

anyway, do you want to make your own cat-amigurumi?
Learn to make amigurumi?
There will be an amigurumi class at Plaza Semanggi's Learning Lounge at April 14 (start at10AM).
It's my first amigurumi class ever! Yay!

it's not free, but you can meet me :)
just kidding (cause it's rhyme!) it's not free but you'll get the kits and pattern, and... You'll get 10% discount from Lenny's needlecraft!!!
beginners are welcomed.

for more informations and reservation, please contact Citra.
e-mail: citraparameswari [at] yahoo [dot] com
mobile: 08129800357

UPDATE: April Cat Pattern is now available!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fool's :(

who am I to fool?  I am fooled.
if you read this post and you read some news about that issue, then you know that they canceled the price raise.
they postpone it.

I caught a flu (again), and I made this amigurumi while sneezing, and I failed to make it on time.
it's already April 2nd. (it's 00:04)
no longer April Fool's.
guess I'm the fool :(

PS: poisson d'avril is April Fool's in France, when they traditionaly tack a paper with a fish picture at someone's back...  ah, go read wikipedia