Thursday, January 13, 2011

collaboration with my sister

My sister gave me the Knitwit book by Katie Boyette for my birthday (a review will coming soon)
I didn't know what to do during the Christmas Holiday (which didn't really happen tho)
so my sister challenged me to make a knitted Ninja for her boyfriend.
That's sounded weird right? knitting for someone's boyfriend, when I knew that my sister could knit too even better than me, so we made a deal,
I knit, she sew.

Since she's only staying at home during the holiday, I had to finish knitting before the holiday's over.
I was sleeping like a dog on New Year's eve, but I stay awake on the night after just to finish knitting the doll then leave my sister to sew all the parts.

I only take few pictures on the last minute before she's going back to her home.
I think it's pretty good for our first collaboration after so many long time (since she accidentally cut my thumb, not a deep wound, only changed a little part of my finger print)

by the way, it's the second amigurumi we made together.  We made a Dad-gurumi when we were little.
I don't know where it is now. Back then she did the crochet, I sew.

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