Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Waiting room

I get bored of waiting for that administrative stuff (to open that 'store')
it's been a week, and there would be more waits :(
So, I took my hook and doing another dolls for the gigi series :D

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Rat

I made it last night.
Rat is the first animal on Chinese Zodiac, and also my zodiac :)

Hickory, dickory, dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.

The "Hickory Dickory Dock" toys behind was my favorite toys when I was a toddler :)
I made the dolls while memorizing the song.


  1. hihihihihihi, lucu bgt tikus nya kaya u bgt jeng...^^ love it..."kyoko"

  2. Aih.. Kyoko datang berkunjung.. iya dong kaya gw.. gw kan luthuu :)
