Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mak Ndes Homemade (Amigurumi) Cookies

if you were living at Bandung, you must knew about Maicih
Ma or Mak is an informal title to call woman especially old woman.
(hopefully) I'm not that old, but if I were that old, maybe I would refer myself as Mak Ndes.
Ma Icih making hot and spicy cassava chips, Mak Ndes making sweet but low sugar cookies.
I have a lot of time to spend at home so I made a lot of cookies.

Kue Gem, the classic cookies with colorful sugar icing at the top
IDR 125.000/ jar
available 4 jars (24 cookies in every jar)

Nastar, cheese based cookies with pineapple fills and cheese sprinkles
IDR 175.000,00/ jar
available 1 jar

leave a comment or send me a message if you are interested :)
the cookies are packed in small glass jar (about 10 cm or 4 inch height)

WARNING: no matter how cute or sweet those cookies, it's not edible, and it's not safe for small children