I watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland 2 weeks ago
The characters are amazing, the chesire cat is cute, but my favorite is Bandersnatch.
SO.. I made the amigurumi version of Bandersnatch, based on my sketch, based on my foggy memories of the movie.
I totally forgot that I could use google for getting the image of Bandersnatch.
And actually, Tim Burton's Bandersnatch images are rarely found on google.
So, please forgive me for shamelessly call this as "Bandersnatch", cause I knew I missed many details.
I really love this character, so maybe someday I made a better Bandersnatch amigurumi.
NEWS UPDATE (November 10 2011):
this Bandersnatch is not for sale, and since it was made using special yarns (which is not always available), it's impossible to recreate this plushy. I'm very sorry that I could not provide pattern for this toy, since it was made a long time ago.