Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kopas The Thief

I almost always making the amigurumi version of my animation character.  If you wonder what am I doing from May to August, the answer is finishing "Kopas The Thief" animation project for the ASEAN Animation Festival 2014.
(yeah... finally I can blame Kopas for making me missing my blog)

The amigurumi was not required, but I made it as a lucky charm.  You can read more about the animation on the other blog.
I made it a few days before the proposal deadline, so instead fixing my proposal, I knitting this doll.  In the end I never show this amigurumi to the audience because I used the wrong yarn color and it's not really similar to the character design.  But I think this amigurumi is really a lucky charm, cause later I went to Bangkok twice and I *beeep beeep beeep beeep* at November 26th thanks to this animation project.

:p  well just wait, you will see what happen at that date.

UPDATE August 25th 2015: nothing happened on November 26. actually I was invited to some kind of ministry event (Indonesian) but later they didn't contacted me about the details. I don't know what happened.  who am I anyway?

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